Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why the FMCG Industry Must Strive for STEM Talent

Why the FMCG Industry Must Strive for STEM Talent Sponsored article by Universum Link Humans. The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry is undergoing rapid change as local competitors gain market share at the expense of multinational brands. This is true across many categories of FMCG, including food and beverage, household products, and beauty and personal care. On top of this, there are constant mergers and acquisitions taking place, further highlighting the need for detailed insights into what talent will be required to drive FMCG companies and their products forward. Innovation as a driver of employer choice differs significantly between countries. For example, in Austria 59 percent of STEM students who want a job in FMCG identify innovation as a key factor, while in Thailand, only one in four do so. For business students aiming for FMCG jobs, joining a company with an attractive or exciting line of products and services is key: 46 percent say it’s a priority, compared to 34 percent of business students heading for other industries. For STEM students aiming for FMCG careers, attractive products/ services and a reputation for innovation are the most important aspect of an employer’s image. Research from Universum consistently shows that students prioritize training and development opportunities as an influence on employer choice. Business and STEM students hoping for FMCG careers prioritize good references above other remuneration and advancement factors. Today Universum and Link Humans launched “No More Business as usual”, a brand new eBook focusing on the FMCG industry and its need to strive for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) talent. How can HR executives in the FMCG industry attract and develop a new generation of talented workers? Which particular issues will influence people’s choice of employer? And what tactics will work most effectively to retain younger, high-value individuals? This report will explore these ideas and more as we examine the attitudes and goals of students aiming for a career in FMCG. “Change is the new normal and no more so than in the FMCG space. I have the pleasure of introducing this collaboration between Universum and Link Humans aimed at talent leaders in this sector and beyond” Said Link Humans Founder and CEO, Jörgen Sundberg. He continued “this report highlights the issues FMCG employers are facing today and looks into the future, thus allowing you to plan your talent attraction initiatives to meet current challenges and future proof your overall strategy”. Employers must take a regional approach to recruiting and retention This study has found that Innovation as a driver of employer choice differs significantly between countries. For example, in Austria 59 percent of STEM students who want a job in FMCG identify innovation as a key factor, while in Thailand, only one in four do so. STEM students who want jobs in the FMCG industry seek a work environment that is both friendly, and creative/dynamic. They are much more likely to prioritize a friendly work environment compared to STEM students bound for other industries. Again, bear in mind that views about a creative and dynamic work environment vary greatly by region. In Japan, for example, just 21 percent of STEM students who want jobs in FMCG cite it as a priority, while 40 percent of those from China and 55 percent of those from the US prioritize it. Why is STEM talent so important? Given the disruptive changes in the industry â€" such as the rise of new delivery models, and consumer demand for greater transparency around social and environmental issues â€" FMCG companies should consider going outside their industry for inspiration. This will allow them to see how other companies have managed disruption, and observe how they position their new vision to future employees. For the consumer goods industry, it’s essential to hire talent that can contend with the fast pace of change and drive future innovation, and it’s possible these individuals are attracted to industries other than FMCG. “For business students aiming for FMCG jobs, joining a company with an attractive or exciting line of products and services is key: 46 percent say it’s a priority, compared to 34 percent of business students heading for other industries” said Universum CMO, Jonas Barck. He continued “this further backs the argument for hiring more STEM talent, as they will be the people that create the products and services that lure the best business talent to an organization”. Methodology Each year Universum surveys the professional expectations of one million career seekers from 55 countries, and publishes dozens of reports on the top issues affecting global talent and the companies that hire talent. In this report, part of our Future Talent Insights Series, we uncover what university students look for in future employers in the consumer goods industry. We also show how companies can translate these findings into actionable steps for HR, recruitment and C-level leadership. In this study we segmented our research into two cohorts: business students and students in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. To understand these two groups, we compare the attitudes and career goals of those who have indicated (from a possible three choices) a preference for a career in the consumer goods industry against those who say that the FMCG industry is not among their top choices.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Personal Branding for Voice Actors - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Branding for Voice Actors - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Voice acting is such a specialized niche that its hard to stand out in the field. Not because there are so many, but because the field is so small and most of the people are already connected. Its a tough racket to break into. But that doesnt mean you shouldnt try. If youre an aspiring voice actor, or you are looking to expand your reach and grow your career, there is still a lot you can do. Here are four steps you can take to grow your reputation and promote your voice acting career. 1) Start Associating Your Web Presence With Voice Acting Thats more than just creating a logo and putting up a website. It means writing a blog that talks extensively about voiceover work (triggers search engines), gives advice to other voice actors (shows you know your stuff), and discusses the benefits of working with voice actors compared to doing it in-house with a laptop and $100 microphone (reaches decision makers). Thanks to Googles new AuthorRank algorithm and co-citation, any time you can have a piece of content that associates your name with voice actor, youre letting Google do the work for you, and making it easier for decision makers to find you. 2) Consider Doing a Regular Freebie Just make sure it doesnt take away from paid opportunities. Im a big fan of radio theater, especially the private eye shows, including one Harry Nile. Voice actor Jim French spent a lot of time and effort doing Harry Nile radio plays, selling CDs, and even getting them played on SiriusXM Radio. While hes making money from Harry Nile (especially since the shows are 36 years old), its also a way for French to showcase the kind of voiceover work he and his product company are able to do. As a voice actor, consider doing a very short podcast that a lot of people would be interested in â€" this day in history, this day in sports history, trivia minute, whatever. Put these out on a daily or weekly basis, keep them under 5 minutes, publish them on iTunes and Stitcher, and always include a small tag at the end â€" This day in sports history is created by voice actor Rich Cunningham. 3) Join a Marketing Executive Group on LinkedIn Be the go-to guy for advice on not only voice work, but marketing videos, marketing podcasts, and anything that is going to require a script. Hell, join a script writing group while youre at it, if for nothing else than you can learn a lot about script writing While you may not be a script writer, you need to know a lot about the art form. Thats so you can be a veritable font of useful information to people who buy scripts, hire scriptwriters, and ultimately hire voiceover people. Become a useful resource to them, and eventually youll earn their trust enough to get referrals and gigs. 4) Join a Business Networking Group Whether its the American Marketing Association, American Advertising Federation, your local chamber, or any other group where marketing bigwigs meet on a regular basis, you need to regularly attend those meetings. Many of them will not be your clients, but they may end up referring you to the people who will be. So cultivate relationships within the groups. Have coffee and lunch with the marketers and the people who deal with marketers â€" script writers, radio producers, video marketers â€" and get to know them. Serve as a referral source for them and their projects, and theyll do the same for you. Branding yourself as a voice actor isnt that hard. Its just a matter of showing your clients and potential clients that you really know what youre doing. Share information, provide a freebie to showcase your talent, and create written content that links your name to keywords like voiceover and voice actor. Author: Erik Deckers  is the owner of  Professional Blog Service, and the co-author of  Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself  and No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

6 Things To Do To Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Dreams

6 Things To Do To Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Dreams Entrepreneurship has been one of the most talked about and so-called flashy professions in the recent times. Young people of today are more entrepreneurial than ever, starting twice as many businesses as their counterparts two decades earlier. The innate love to do what they feel is worth doing and to find solutions to unsolved problems in the society has driven creative minds of today to become entrepreneurs. You might be one like them too if you feel that you’re better off on your own, chasing your dreams. If there is that little fire burning in your underbelly all the time that prompts you to begin to carve your own path, you might as well start paying heed to it. But before you dive head first into the pursuit, do these 6 things that will prepare you for the journey ahead. Books As famous English author Neil Gaiman rightly quoted, “A book is a dream that you hold in your hand”, it is important to choose the right kind of books to gain more knowledge in your field of interest. Books regarding entrepreneurship are galore and you can choose from a rich collection of works written by successful entrepreneurs. You can choose to buy books online from shopping sites or use an e-book reader like Amazon Kindle to begin exercising your brain. Check out these 10 books for budding entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial Events Entrepreneurial events strike the right chord with people who are themselves interested in becoming entrepreneurs. The regular conferences, summits, and career expos on entrepreneurship give you a real behind-the-scenes look into the life of an entrepreneur. There are many events happening almost every week in all major cities in India. Look for the latest events near you and book your entry through websites and social networking sites such as Facebook. Inspirational Movies Everyone needs a bit of motivation every now and then. The pressure of meeting deadlines and having to improvise and improve on your ideas can get a little ‘too’ much at times. You can shrug off these pressures by watching movies that move and motivate you. There are tons of inspirational movies.  Some examples are  The Pursuit of Happyness, Coach Carter, and The Shawshank Redemption that instill new energy in you. We recommend a few that you must watch The Shawshank Redemption Nightcrawler The Godfather Moneyball The Social Network Pirates of Silicon Valley Pursuit of Happyness Networking In today’s digital age, like it or not, networking matters the most. A good entrepreneurial contact list you can always rely on is extremely valuable. Networking is also an amazing way to know what you are doing right and wrong in your own pursuit. The ideal places to start building contacts are at events and conferences where you meet like-minded people interested in discussing ideas and solutions. If you are still in college, then you have ample time to meet new people and build new contacts. In case you’ve graduated and are in a job, then it is convenient to get in touch with new people on professional social networking platforms like LinkedIn and AngelList. Mentorship Programs Mentorship programs and sessions are truly a boom for hungry-to-be entrepreneurs who need proper guidance while starting out. While it is easy to simply jump into entrepreneurship, it is not always easy to navigate around once you are in. It is, therefore, highly imperative to get assistance and guidance from established mentors before testing waters. Mentorship sessions are extremely useful for small business owners and to-be entrepreneurs who are relatively new in their respective fields. TED Talks Hear from some of the most well-known entrepreneurs and businessmen around the world on what made them the way they are. TED Talks is a real deep insight into everything that goes into making an entrepreneur. These inspirational talks bring into light the struggles of entrepreneurs along with moments of superfluous joys in a journey less taken by many people. Remember, it is not the execution but the planning that should typically take most of your time. Kick start your entrepreneurial dreams with the above discussed points.  See yourself climb the success ladder in your own venture. Wish you the best!

Monday, May 18, 2020

How Authority Marketing Can Fast Forward Your Business - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How Authority Marketing Can Fast Forward Your Business - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Before expounding on the benefits of authority marketing and how it can take your business to the next level, it is important to understand the definition of concept. Although marketing professionals do not agree on any one particular definition, the following is a serviceable explanation of authority marketing: Authority marketing is leveraging your knowledge and experience to gain leadership status in your marketplace. In other words, authority marketing involves sharing the fact that you are an expert in a certain field with all your potential clients. Once you are seen as an authority, or expert, in your particular field, it will open up the door for higher paying jobs and other business opportunities that will in turn grow your business and fuel your success even more. How Businesses or Entrepreneurs Can Begin Showing Their Expertise You begin to position yourself as an authority by consistently providing useful information to your audienceinformation which solves problems, offers solutions and addresses needs. Your audience finds you, in great part, simply as a result of you positioning yourself as an educator and advocate for their success Sometimes, it’s easier to understand a concept through example, instead of through a definition. The following is a scenario that showcases how authority marketing works in the real world. For the sake of the example, let’s say you are wanting to hire a contractor to come into your home and remodel your bathroom. You have two options when it comes to a contracting company. The first contracting company is owned by a nice guy. He goes to church, is active in the community and seems to know what hes doing.  He is just operating off word-of-mouth and a general reputation. On the other hand, the second contractor is owned by a guy who has written several published books entitled things like, “How To Get the Most Out of Your Bathroom Remodel, “ and “The Benefits of a Bathroom Makeover for Your Home’s Value.” In addition, the second contractor frequently appears on various home improvement shows as the expert, where you have had the privilege to see him in action. When you consider the two options, the choice seems obvious. On one hand, you have a guy that is probably a great guy, but you don’t know much about him, while on the other you have a known expert in the field who has proof of his expertise. You are likely to go with the second contractor. In fact, you will probably be willing to pay him more than the first contractor, just because he is an “expert.” This in no way means that the second contractor is actually any better at his job than the first contractor, it just shows the benefits of making yourself an authority. By being an authority and an expert in a field, you can demand more money and often will have people come to you, seeking out your expertise, instead of clamoring for work. Celebrities Who Have Great Success With Authority Marketing It is often said that you can either do many moderating well, or you can do a few things extremely well, and that is the case when it comes to authority marketing. The point is to find your niche and stick to that specific area. The following are two celebrities that have had great success using authority marketing to grow their empire and are living examples of the benefits derived from authority marketing: Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey, a well-known financial expert, has made himself the king of finances and getting out of debt. He has seminars about how to budget and how to get out of debt, he has written and continues to write books on how to get out of debt, he has a syndicated radio show that is hugely popular and on and on and on. However, it is worth noting that Dave Ramsey does not claim to be an expert when it comes to other topics, he sticks to what he knows and what he is known for, being a financial expert. By doing so, he has become incredibly successful. Richard Simmons: Although Richard began his career well before the time of internet marketing. However, what he accomplished is a great example of authority marketing in action. Simmons goal was to help people who are overweight, lose that weight in a fun way. He made videos, wrote books, explained how important a healthy diet was, and went on television shows to share his knowledge and passion for helping people lose weight. As a result, he became known as an authority in that field and now is considering synonymous with the industry. Learning how to use authority marketing isn’t that difficult. If you stick to what you know and continue to grow in that particular field, you will become an expert and in turn become an authority on that subject. The other aspects of marketing such as SEO all go along with authority marketing and help to make it work. Consequently, authority marketing has now become more important than these other marketing aspects. In essence, today’s authority marketing is paramount, and all other forms of SEO and marketing fall in place behind that one strategy, making it imperative for you to utilize it as a marketing strategy as a business owner.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Important Tips to Make Your Resume Writing For Office Jobs Stronger

Important Tips to Make Your Resume Writing For Office Jobs StrongerIn this article we are going to talk about the important tips that can help you with your resume writing for office jobs. The first tip that I want to mention is that it is imperative that you make a checklist before you start. By making a list of all the skills and qualifications that you need, you can reduce the number of things that you need to write down. That way, you will be able to focus on the important things.The second tip that I want to mention is that the main problem that you will have with your resume writing for office jobs is that it may not be very original. You need to be able to remember your previous experiences and how you have handled them. If you have a lot of experience, you will be able to rewrite your resume in such a way that it will show your abilities and achievements.Thirdly, you will want to start your resume off by listing out your employment history. If you have some of your accomplish ments available online, that can help you to provide more of a visual memory. Next, you will want to write a job description. This should include what you are going to be doing at the organization and any skills or qualifications that are required. If you have any other skills that you feel are relevant, you can add them in here as well.Fourthly, you should always be looking for opportunities that will allow you to move up in someone's job. If you find something that is giving you an opportunity that you are not sure that you would be able to do, you will want to look for something else. Try to stay focused and continue to work hard so that you will not get frustrated when you do not get the promotion that you are hoping for.The fifth tip that I want to mention is that you should always try to write for one person at a time. This means that you should not think that you can write to many people at the same time. When you write for a large number of people, you can lose focus and be very distracted. Focus is very important when it comes to writing a resume for office jobs. If you feel like you are becoming distracted, take a few minutes and return to it later.The final tip that I want to share with you is that you should always prepare your resume ahead of time. This means that you should create a draft of your resume as soon as possible. Always follow up your resume as soon as possible to get more interviews and apply for more jobs. If you rush the process, you might miss a chance.You should always try to plan ahead for the interviews that you are going to be having so that you will be able to be prepared when you are writing your resume. By preparing your resume ahead of time, you will be able to focus more on your skills and qualifications.Remember that a resume is only as good as the information that you have put into it. Try to take some time out to prepare your resume for the interview. By doing this, you will be able to improve your chances of getting th e job.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

8 Practical Tips for Keeping a Healthy Cubicle Life - Cubicle Chic

8 Practical Tips for Keeping a Healthy Cubicle Life - Cubicle Chic 8 Practical Tips for Keeping a Healthy Cubicle Life Career, Corporate Life, Development, Health Life March 23, 2016 0 CommentsJumping from meeting to meeting, finishing up that to-do list, alternating between in-person and phone conversations…forget about what’s going on in your personal life. So often just our work life keeps us so hung up and out of balance and we go home to our loved ones running on fumes…We always hear about slowing down, prioritizing, meditating, and taking breaks, etc for keeping healthy in general. But changing habits is not an easy task, so something simple and quick is in order…How about some practical, easy to implement tips to improve your health in the cubicle life, mentally and physically?1. Keep a pair of sneakers for a short afternoon walkAthleisure is all the rage now!  Go and get yourself a pair of super cute sneakers, or two, or three! (I am definitely guilty of having too many pairs of chic sneakers) Leave them under your desk, and they will do the job of reminding you to take that daily wal k outside (or around) your office building! I like to do this around 2:30 or 3, with a cup of newly brewed coffee to go with it. adidas Get Sale Alert Nike Get Sale Alert New Balance Get Sale Alert adidas Get Sale Alert Calvin Klein Get Sale Alert Nike Get Sale Alert 2. Get a FitbitThis tip is pretty simple. A mobile electronic device that keeps track of your daily steppage and activity level, and it even yells at you when you are sitting on your butt for too long â€" how convenient! If you haven’t gotten around looking for one, browse away below! Fitbit $ 150 Get Sale Alert Fitbit $ 193 Get Sale Alert Fitbit $ 109.95 Get Sale Alert Fitbit $ 99.95 Get Sale Alert 3. Have a bottle of water within reach, alwaysKeeping our body hydrated has not only physical benefits and mental benefits. When you take a sip of water, your eyes are away from the screen, you’re moving your body/spine, and you are moving more than you would otherwise! Circleware Yorkshire Set of 4 Ombr Mason Jar Mugs Get Sale Alert Luigi Bormioli Get Sale Alert Kate Spade Get Sale Alert Kate Spade Get Sale Alert Swell Get Sale Alert You can even take it to the next level by preparing bags of frozen fruits to add into your water bottle at work. Check out this Pinterest Board I have created on lots of Fruit Infused water ideas. They are totally fun to try! Follow Cubicle ‘s board Tips for Healthy Cubicle Life on Pinterest.4. Snack healthilyThis tip is all about preparation, so when temptations roll around, you have strategies in place to fight them!  Simply put, stock up on diverse but healthy sets of snack so you don’t fall prey to the birthday cakes, homemade cookies and pies, and unhealthy vending machine munchies!My favorite is NatureBox. it’s a monthly subscription of healthy snacks if you haven’t heard of them. But other simple things like salted almonds, greek yogurt, popcorn, chia pudding, can all be good substitutes for sugary office treats. Another Pinterest board to inspire you!Cubicle Chic: Corporate Fashion Career Advice BlogHealthy Office LifeFollow On 5. Alternate your drink of choice   Organic Raw is a very common brand that can be easily found at local grocery stores. It’s one of my personal favorites!If you’re a coffee fiend like me, you are probably all too familiar with the struggle of trying to curb your addiction, only to give in too soon to pedestrian office brewed coffee…Try switching it up to different kinds of drinks! Japanese matcha green tea, white tea, rooibos, or my new favorite: KOMBUCHA! It’s kind of amazing how much health benefit kombucha provides, and how much energy it provides me in my personal experience.6. Have an “item of joy” nearbyThis is where we get into keeping our mental health in check at work.Let me explain “item of joy” a bit here, before you jump to conclusions, ahem. What I’m referring to here is anything that brings a smile to your face every single time, instills positive energy in your head, inspires you, or even motivates you! I’ll make it easier… here’s a list of things that are MY items of joy. I thi nk you will get the point! Birch Lane Get Sale Alert Dachshund, Sealed, Delivered Letter Organizer Get Sale Alert Diptyque Get Sale Alert Kikkerland Get Sale Alert 7. Find inspirations on career improvement sitesThis is for dealing with stress related to work issues.  Gearing up for a promotion? Have difficulties dealing with a problematic co-worker? Needing to ask for a raise but don’t know how? There are websites chock full of advice, best practices, tips and tricks for dealing with difficult situations in professional settings. At the minimum, they provide peace of mind and let you know you are not over-reacting (or otherwise). Here are a few of my favorite sites:Career Contessa â€" Honest conversations by real women about work and life â€" to help you achieve fulfillment and balance in both.Punched Clock â€"  Lifestyle articles for becoming a happy, healthy professional and continuing your success outside of work.Career Girl Daily â€" Your daily lifestyle guide8. Have a “person” to go toIf you’re lucky, you already have the image of that person to you in your head as you read this. It may be a co-worker, a mentor, a friend who w orks in the same company but a different department, who understands context without you having to explain every aspect of a “situation”, should you have one.Believe it or not, this is very emotionally protective to have a person like this in times of trial. Having someone that “already understands” makes it easier to talk about what you’re experiencing, and they will see your perspectives more easily and readily. Find your “person” if you don’t have one already.So those are my 8 tips for keeping a healthy Cubicle Life. What are your thoughts? Do you have more tips to share with me? Leave comments below and let me know!All opinions are mine. This blog is being sponsored by Sodexo, global leader in Quality of Life Services (

Friday, May 8, 2020

7 Interview Follow-Up Mistakes you should Never Make - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

7 Interview Follow-Up Mistakes you should Never Make You may have heard plenty about how to follow up after an interview, but what about how NOT to follow-up after an interview? This is a question few job seekers ask, but one that is of considerable importance. So, is there a way you can seriously bomb your interview follow-up and destroy what was once a good impression and turn it into a bad one? There certainly is. And not just one, several. Watch out for these 7 interview-follow-up mistakes that could potentially harm your job search. Following up too much: If you follow-up once, or maybe even twice after a large time lag (i.e. several weeks), it’s understandable. But if you’re following up with calls, text messages, and thank you emails constantly, you’re making a huge mistake. The decisions to hire you rests with this person, and the last thing you want to do it pester them. Add them on social media: You may be tempted to look up your interviewer on social media. First of all, looking them up is something that you should be doing before you went for an interview so as to know who you’re dealing with. But if you decide to do so even after the interview, it’s fine as long as you don’t add them! Adding them will give them the message that you’re stalking them, and perhaps have heightened expectations about your potential to earn the job.Which leads us to the next point… Pretending you’ve got the job: Imagine being an employer and receiving an email from a candidate about how she’s excited about her new job while he’s still interviewing other candidates. It’s good to be positive, but not egotistic. And yes, it’s a complete turn off for employers. They’ll appreciate your follow-up attempt, but not your attempt to be brash and over-confident Never saying thank-you: The whole point of a follow-up (from the employer’s point of view) is that you get to thank your employer and show your interest in the organization. Sending a follow-up note without a thank you is as if sending someone a wrapped present without a real present inside it. Being too negative: You might be afraid about not getting the job, but it doesn’t mean you start sending hate mails to your (still) potential employer about why you didn’t get chosen. Not only will you NOT get the job even if there was a chance you would have, but also make your credentials and previous mentors look bad. Or perhaps, you’ve sent an application at a time when they are not hiring. If you’re planning on a sending a cranky email on how they should hurry up with the decision, you’ll make a big mistake. Avoid being emotional in your follow-ups and remain positive! Being sloppy: What could have been an amazing first-impression can be ruined by a horde of grammar and punctuation errors in your follow-up email. Apart from thinking that you have poor writing skills (something that can easily be solved by a proofreader or dissertation mall), your prospective employer will also doubt your earnestness towards the position because of your sloppiness. Bringing up other job offers: You may have applied for several other positions, but that doesn’t mean you try to threaten any one of your potential employers with the fact. Using another job offer as an excuse to force your employer to reach a quick decision is completely unprofessional and unwelcome by recruiters. Apart from feeling like you’re forcing a decision on them which they are not yet ready to make, you’ll be revealing that you’re okay with not having the job which is why you have applied elsewhere. Author bio: Katherine Szalay is a digital marketing manager. When she isn’t at her desk, she loves to write creative blogs and often informational ones as well.